TFM Presentations

March 25th – 9-18h ICTA-UAB Campus Bellaterra

March 26th – 9-18h IDRA Balmes, 13 Barcelona

EcoPol Symposium 2025 is the presentation of the Final Master Projects (TFM) from the students of the 6th edition of the Masters Degree in Political Ecology, Degrowth and Environmental Justice, co-organized by ICTA-UAB and Research & Degrowth. 

It takes place presentially on March 25st at ICTA-UAB and on March 26th at IDRA (c. Balmes 13, Barcelona) from 9am to 6pm. 

For those unable to attend in person, the Symposium sessions will be livestreamed unless otherwise indicated in the programme below. 

Programme Summary

Day 1: March 25th ICTA-UAB

9–11h [Parallel session 1] Panel on clay as an Art-Based Research, agroecology, allotment gardens (livestream link 1)

9.15–11.30h [Parallel session 2] Panel on poverty, happiness and subvertising (livestream link 2)

Lunch break

14–16h: [Parallel session 3] Panel on love, masculinities and children in post-capitalism (livestream link 1)

14–16h: [Parallel session 4] Panel on research projects in political ecology of mining and climate adaptation (livestream link 2)

16–18h: Panel on research projects in post-growth and donut economics (livestream link 1)

19.30 – 21.30h Exhibition Opening at GalleryC6 [Full capacity reached] (in person only)

Day 2: March 26st IDRA

9–11h: Panel on research projects and internship at Resilience Earth (livestream link)

11–13h: Panel on research projects and internship at ODG, Ulex and Oxfam (livestream link)

Lunch break

14–16h: Panel on research projects on embodiment, healing and resistance (livestream link)

16–18h: Panel on research projects in political ecology struggles of the past and present (livestream link)

19.30 – 21.30h Exhibition Opening at GalleryC6 [Full capacity reached, attendance to be confirmed with Paul Saad] (in person only)

Detailed Programme

Day 1: March 25th at ICTA-UAB

Edifici ICTA-ICP, Carrer de les Columnes s/n, Campus de la UAB, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona

9 – 11h [Parallel session 1] (livestream link 1)

Panel on clay as an Art-Based Research, agroecology, allotment gardens

Kim West, Clay as Counter-Archive: Embodied Methodologies for Exploring Migration and Place

Laura van Damme, Internship with FIAN Belgium / the promotion of agroecology & access to agricultural land

Adam Cogan, Investigating PCP viability in the Bristol commons ecosystem

9.15 – 11.30h [Parallel session 2] (livestream link 2)

Panel on poverty, happiness and subvertising

Sencer Odabaşı and Yong Feng See, Measuring extreme poverty using multiple indicator cluster surveys

Sarah Keogh, Does income matter less to happiness when welfare systems are strong?

Francesco Colombo, Subvertising as an Educational Strategy for Environmental Justice

Lunch break

14 – 16h [Parallel session 3] (livestream link 1)

Panel on love, masculinities and children in post-capitalism

Gaia Zanaboni, Cartas de amor decreciente (Degrowing love letters): for a seductive love revolution

Barnabé Jeanperrin, Does money make Gaixample go round? An exploration of the role of consumerism in Barcelona’s gay neighbourhood

Elena Bianchi, Once upon a time…A radical children’s story for the inclusion of children in socio-ecological transformation

14 – 16h [Parallel session 4] (livestream link 2)

Panel on research projects in political ecology of mining and climate adaptation

Francesca Jobson, Exploring local attitudes towards a multinational mining company in the North York Moors National Park, UK

Moritz Drumel, The Case of ‘Boicot ICL’: Pathways towards an Anti-Imperial Working Class Environmentalism

Samanthi Theminimulle, Alternative imaginaries for urban climate adaptation: Embodied knowledges from global south migrant communities

16 – 18h (livestream link 1)

Panel on research projects in post-growth and donut economics

Carlotta Paglia and Federico Arcuri, A Post-Growth Deal for Italy: Exploring the Coalition-Building Potential of Post-Growth Non-Reformist Reforms

Hugo Abad Frías, Exploring the conditions for a degrowth transition: The role of 1st Generation eco-social policies in Spain

Julian Kraus-Polk, California Doughnut Economics Coalition Practicum

19.30 – 21.30h (In person)

Exhibition Opening at GalleryC6 [Full capacity reached, attendance must be confirmed with Paul]

Paul Saad, Coalitions of Belonging – collectively-crafted countermapping on textile

The exhibition will continue to be displayed until 30 Mar, from 10 to 21h.
GalleryC6 is located at Carrer de l’Hostal d’en Sol 7, Ciutat Vella

Day 2: March 26st at IDRA

Carrer Balmes 13, Barcelona

9 – 11h (livestream link)

Panel on research projects and internship at Resilience Earth

Mara Hanssen, Internship with Resilience Earth / The Power of Emotion for Social Change

Facundo Viera, Notes on a successful rurality

Josep Maria Salleras, Internship with Resilience Earth

11 – 13h (livestream link)

Panel on research projects and internship at ODG, Ulex and Oxfam

Laura Heckmann, (Eco)feminist strategies at COP conferences

Angela Pinna, Internship with Oxfam Intermon / Bridging theory and practice for a just and decolonial energy transition

Tobias Stadler, Internship with Ulex — Towards radically caring and resilient movements

Lunch break

14 – 16h (livestream link)

Panel on research projects on embodiment, healing and resistance

Sophia Boubal, “Tending My Membership to Life: Weaving regeneration from rupture” – Entanglements of personal healing, relational ways of knowing, and political agency in the context of eco-social transformation

Angelica Borsa, Cycles of Resistance: Menstrual Care Beyond Capitalism

Anna-Lena Schulz, Rest, Consent, and Liberation: Redefining Resistance Beyond Capitalist and Binary Frameworks

16 – 18h (livestream link)

Panel on research projects in political ecology struggles of the past and present

Lizzie Reid, The City Speaks: Archiving Palestinian Solidarity in Barcelona’s urban landscape

Isaura Simas Pereira, L’Aigua que No Hi És Tampoc Podria Ser Blava, Llavors Pensem de Quin Color la Volem. A Manifest for Radical Meaning in Times of Twilight

Marco Colafemmina, «Against the filthy world of the master»: Italian radical left and ecology (1968-1987)

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