When will the classes be held?
The classes will be held weekdays from 14:00 to 16:30 central european time. This is to facilitate attendance across different time-zones. Though in exceptional circumstances changes might occur. The classes will also be recorded and can be viewed later on in case you miss any of them.
All of the classes and extra sessions are held online. The masters does not require presence on the UAB campus at any stage.
What is the expected time commitment?
The standard time commitment for each ECTS is a maximum of 25 hours. For every 2.5 hours of class, one can expect to spend up to 7.5 hours on preparatory reading and assignments/evaluations. Many people are fulltime or part time employed while doing the online master either in 1 year or 2.
What is a “master proprio”?
This page offers a detailed answer.
What if I don´t have an official diploma at the time of applying but will have one by the time the course starts?
Please check this page for a detailed answer.
What does the part-time schedule look like? Is it compatible with work/family commitments?
If you decide to take the masters part-time you are required to take the 3 6ects modules in the first year and the two 12ects plus one 3ects modules in the second year. Please see the question above to make your own estimation of how manageable the part-time option is in your case. Once you have enrolled it is not possible to switch between the two options. NOTA BENE: we do prioritize full time applications during the admissions period.
Can I pay in instalments?
You can pay in up to two instalments if you are taking the masters full time, all payments have to be liquidated before the start date of the master in October.
Would we have to produce a final thesis?
An academic thesis or a final masters project is required to be submitted to get the degree. The hand in and defence is due 6 months after the end of the last taught module.
Throughout the duration of the taught modules, you will be able to attend tutoring sessions in small groups. These are aimed at facilitating the learning process and guiding you towards the final masters thesis/project.
How will students be graded?
The type of evaluation will be decided by the module coordinator and the teachers of each module. It can range from essays, book reports, creative outputs, group presentations, etc.
Are there any scholarships available?
We offer two full scholarships and four ½ scholarships each year. Due to the high demand absolute priority for the scholarships is given to low income candidates from the Global South.
This type of masters is known as the self-financed masters under the Spanish university system- which means that all the administrative costs and payment of teachers, as well as the budget for the scholarships is dependent on the student enrollment fees.
Am I eligible for the masters? (I have a PhD/bachelors in music, etc etc.)
The course is ideal for those who want to learn more about degrowth, either after their bachelor’s degree, or after they got a master’s degree on a different topic or even if they have started a PhD, and want to give a degrowth direction to their research and work. We welcome professionals from all walks of life who want to study degrowth and learn more about it! The course is great for people who want to learn part-time or full-time about alternatives to our current ecological and economic predicaments.
While we aspire to mobilise actors for change and provide the tools and knowledge to think critically and strategize more effectively, we are also aware that our program does not teach someone how to be an activist. This masters is explicitly research-focused and oriented towards policy-making in the Global North.